Defenition of the word spendthrift
Defenition of the word spendthrift
- Someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful.
- recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures"
- someone who spends money prodigally
- recklessly wasteful
Synonyms for the word spendthrift
- compulsive shopper
- extravagant
- prodigal
- profligate
- spend-all
- spender
- squanderer
- waster
- wastrel
Similar words in the spendthrift
- spendthrift
- spendthrift's
- spendthrifts
- wasteful
Hyponyms for the word spendthrift
- big spender
- fungi
- high roller
Hypernyms for the word spendthrift
- prodigal
- profligate
- squanderer
See other words