Defenition of the word splurge
Defenition of the word splurge
- To spend lavishly or extravagantly, especially money.
- Any act of immoderate indulgence.
- an ostentatious display (of effort or extravagance etc.)
- indulge oneself; "I splurged on a new TV"
- any act of immoderate indulgence; "an orgy of shopping"; "an emotional binge"; "a splurge of spending"
- be showy or ostentatious
- any act of immoderate indulgence
- indulge oneself
Synonyms for the word splurge
- fling
- go on a bender
- gorge
- indulge
- overdo
- overindulge
Similar words in the splurge
- splurge
- splurge's
- splurged
- splurges
Hypernyms for the word splurge
- blow
- consume
- fanfare
- flash
- flaunt
- humoring
- indulgence
- indulging
- ostentate
- ostentation
- pampering
- show off
- squander
- swank
- ware
- waste
See other words