Defenition of the word squawker
Defenition of the word squawker
- the loudspeaker on an inter-com or public address system
- a person given to excessive complaints and crying
- a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining
- the loudspeaker on an intercom or public address system
Synonyms for the word squawker
- bellyacher
- complainer
- crybaby
- grumbler
- intercom speaker
- moaner
- sniveler
- squawk box
- whiner
Meronymys for the word squawker
- intercom
- intercommunication system
Hyponyms for the word squawker
Hypernyms for the word squawker
- disagreeable person
- loudspeaker
- loudspeaker system
- speaker
- speaker system
- speaker unit
- unpleasant person
See other words