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Defenition of the word stabroek

    • Defenition of the word stabroek

      • the capital and largest city of Guyana; "the city was called Stabroek by the Dutch but was renamed Georgetown by the British in 1812"
      • port city and the capital and largest city of Guyana; "the city was called Stabroek by the Dutch but was renamed Georgetown by the British in 1812"
      • port city and the capital and largest city of Guyana

    Synonyms for the word stabroek

      • Georgetown
      • Stabroek

    Meronymys for the word stabroek

      • British Guiana
      • Co-operative Republic of Guyana
      • Guyana

    Hypernyms for the word stabroek

      • national capital
      • port

    See other words