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Defenition of the word stampede

    • Defenition of the word stampede

      • A headlong rush of people on a common impulse.
      • A wild headlong rush of frightened animals.
      • a headlong rush of people on a common impulse; "when he shouted `fire' there was a stampede to the exits"
      • a wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle)
      • run away in a stampede
      • cause to run in panic: "Thunderbolts can stampede animals"
      • act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse: "Companies will now stampede to release their latest software"
      • cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively; "The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating"
      • a headlong rush of people on a common impulse; "when he shouted `fire'' there was a stampede to the exits"
      • cause to run in panic; "Thunderbolts can stampede animals"
      • act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse; "Companies will now stampede to release their latest software"
      • a headlong rush of people on a common impulse
      • cause to run in panic
      • act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse
      • cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively

    Synonyms for the word stampede

      • charge
      • dash
      • flight
      • hurry
      • mad dash
      • rout
      • run
      • rush
      • sprint

    Similar words in the stampede

      • stampede
      • stampede's
      • stampeded
      • stampedes

    Hypernyms for the word stampede

      • act
      • change of location
      • flee
      • fly
      • group action
      • move
      • take flight
      • travel

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