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Defenition of the word steering linkage

    • Defenition of the word steering linkage

      • a system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle; the steering gear pushes the steering linkage left or right which swivels the front wheels causing the vehicle to turn
      • mechanism consisting of a system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle; the steering gear pushes the steering linkage left or right which swivels the front wheels causing the vehicle to turn
      • mechanism consisting of a system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle; the steering gear pushes it left or right which swivels the front wheels, causing the vehicle to turn

    Meronymys for the word steering linkage

      • steering mechanism
      • steering system
      • tie rod

    Hypernyms for the word steering linkage

      • mechanism

    See other words