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Defenition of the word stirring

    • Defenition of the word stirring

      • (For a music, song, etc.) Having a stimulating effect, such as giving the desire to dance.
      • arousing to a particular emotion or action
      • capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement; "a rousing sermon"; "stirring events such as wars and rescues"
      • agitating a liquid with a stirring implement
      • exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions; "a stirring speech"
      • agitating a liquid with an implement; "constant stirring prevents it from burning on the bottom of the pan"
      • agitating a liquid with an implement
      • exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions
      • capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement

    Synonyms for the word stirring

      • inspiration
      • rousing
      • soul-stirring

    Similar words in the stirring

      • moving
      • stimulating

    Hypernyms for the word stirring

      • agitation
      • arousal
      • rousing

    See other words