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Defenition of the word sturgeon

    • Defenition of the word sturgeon

      • A genus of fish (Acipenser) of which 26 species are known. One of the oldest genera of fish in existence, they are native to European, Asian, and North American waters. Their ovaries, which are of large size, are prepared for caviar,
      • large primitive fishes valued for their flesh and roe; widely distributed in north temperate zone
      • large primitive fishes valued for their flesh and roe; widely distributed in the North Temperate Zone

    Meronymys for the word sturgeon

      • Acipenseridae
      • family Acipenseridae

    Hyponyms for the word sturgeon

      • Acipenser huso
      • Acipenser transmontanus
      • beluga
      • hausen
      • Pacific sturgeon
      • Sacramento sturgeon
      • white sturgeon

    Hypernyms for the word sturgeon

      • ganoid
      • ganoid fish
      • surname

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