Defenition of the word suborder odontoceti
Defenition of the word suborder odontoceti
- toothed whales: dolphins; porpoises; sperm whales; beaked whales
Synonyms for the word suborder odontoceti
- Odontoceti
- suborder Odontoceti
Meronymys for the word suborder odontoceti
- Cetacea
- Delphinidae
- family Delphinidae
- family Hyperodontidae
- family Physeteridae
- family Platanistidae
- family Ziphiidae
- Hyperodontidae
- order Cetacea
- Physeteridae
- Platanistidae
- toothed whale
- Ziphiidae
Hypernyms for the word suborder odontoceti
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