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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "s"
Words starting with letters "su"
Words starting with letters "suc"
Words starting with letters "succ"
Words starting with letters "succo"
Defenition of the word succos
Defenition of the word succos
Defenition of the word succos
a Jewish harvest festival
(Judaism) a Jewish harvest festival
a major Jewish festival beginning on the eve of the 15th of Tishri and commemorating the shelter of the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness
Synonyms for the word succos
Feast of Booths
Feast of Tabernacles
Meronymys for the word succos
Hypernyms for the word succos
church festival
Jewish holy day
religious festival
See other words
What is subway fare
The definition of subversive activity
The interpretation of the word suburbanized
What is meant by suburbanize
The lexical meaning suburban area
The dictionary meaning of the word genus subularia
The grammatical meaning of the word subularia
Meaning of the word semitropics
Literal and figurative meaning of the word semitropic
The origin of the word sukkoth
Synonym for the word feast of booths
Antonyms for the word feast of tabernacles
Homonyms for the word succotash
Hyponyms for the word succubus
Holonyms for the word succuba
Hypernyms for the word succussion
Proverbs and sayings for the word such that
Translation of the word in other languages such-and-such
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "s"
Words ending with letters "os"
Words ending with letters "cos"
Words ending with letters "ccos"
Words ending with letters "uccos"
Meaning of the word succos