Defenition of the word surfeit
Defenition of the word surfeit
- the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall
- eating until excessively full
- indulge to satiety, as of one's appetite
- supply or feed to surfeit
- the state of being more than full
- indulge (one''s appetite) to satiety
- indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
Synonyms for the word surfeit
- cloy
- excess
- flood
- glut
- overabundance
- oversupply
- repletion
- surplus
Similar words in the surfeit
- surfeit
- surfeit's
- surfeited
- surfeiting
- surfeits
Hypernyms for the word surfeit
- eating
- feeding
- fullness
- furnish
- indulge
- luxuriate
- overabundance
- overmuch
- overmuchness
- provide
- render
- superabundance
- supply
See other words