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Defenition of the word surpassing

    • Defenition of the word surpassing

      • far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart's prodigious talents"
      • exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence
      • far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart''s prodigious talents"
      • far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree

    Synonyms for the word surpassing

      • exceeding
      • exceptional
      • olympian
      • prodigious
      • transcendent

    Similar words in the surpassing

      • extraordinary
      • superior

    See other words