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Defenition of the word symbion pandora

    • Defenition of the word symbion pandora

      • only known species of Cycliophora; lives symbiotically attached to a lobster's lip by an adhesive disk and feeding by means of a hairy mouth ring; its complex life cycle includes asexual and sexual phases
      • only known species of Cycliophora; lives symbiotically attached to a lobster''s lip by an adhesive disk and feeding by means of a hairy mouth ring; its complex life cycle includes asexual and sexual phases

    Synonyms for the word symbion pandora

      • Symbion pandora

    Meronymys for the word symbion pandora

      • Cycliophora
      • phylum Cycliophora

    Hypernyms for the word symbion pandora

      • invertebrate

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