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Defenition of the word synecdochical

    • Defenition of the word synecdochical

      • using the name of a part for that of the whole or the whole for the part; or the special for the general or the general for the special; or the material for the thing made of it; "to use `hand' for `worker' or `ten sail' for `ten ships' or `steel' for `sword' is to use a synecdochic figure of speech"
      • using the name of a part for that of the whole or the whole for the part; or the special for the general or the general for the special; or the material for the thing made of it; "to use `hand'' for `worker'' or `ten sail'' for `ten ships'' or `steel'' fo
      • using the name of a part for that of the whole or the whole for the part; or the special for the general or the general for the special; or the material for the thing made of it

    Synonyms for the word synecdochical

      • synecdochic

    Similar words in the synecdochical

      • figurative
      • nonliteral

    See other words