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Defenition of the word synthesis

    • Defenition of the word synthesis

      • The formation of something complex or coherent by combining simpler things.
      • Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect).
      • reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)
      • the process of producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds)
      • the combination of ideas into a complex whole

    Synonyms for the word synthesis

      • deduction
      • deductive reasoning
      • synthetic thinking

    Hyponyms for the word synthesis

      • biogenesis
      • biosynthesis
      • chemosynthesis
      • nucleosynthesis
      • syllogism

    Hypernyms for the word synthesis

      • abstract thought
      • chemical action
      • chemical change
      • chemical process
      • logical thinking
      • reasoning

    Antonyms for the word synthesis

      • analysis
      • analytic thinking

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