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Defenition of the word takeout

    • Defenition of the word takeout

      • (bridge) a bid that asks your partner to bid another suit
      • of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises; "takeout pizza"; "the takeout counter" (`take-away' is chiefly British)
      • food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises
      • prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises; "in England they call takeout food `takeaway''"
      • of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises; "takeout pizza"; "the takeout counter"; "`take-away'' is chiefly British"
      • prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises
      • of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises

    Synonyms for the word takeout

      • cut out
      • extract
      • fish out
      • pull out
      • remove
      • take-away
      • takeout food

    Similar words in the takeout

      • portable
      • takeout

    Hypernyms for the word takeout

      • bid
      • bidding
      • convenience food

    See other words