Defenition of the word tasteful
Defenition of the word tasteful
- free from what is tawdry or unbecoming; "a neat style"; "a neat set of rules"; "she hated to have her neat plans upset"
- having flavor
- having or showing or conforming to good taste
- free from what is tawdry or unbecoming
Synonyms for the word tasteful
- attractive
- chic
- classy
- discerning
- elegant
- in good taste
- neat
- refined
- sophisticated
- stylish
- tasty
Similar words in the tasteful
- aesthetic
- ambrosial
- ambrosian
- appetizing
- artistic
- bitter
- bitterish
- bittersweet
- choice
- dainty
- delectable
- delicious
- elegant
- esthetic
- flavored
- flavorful
- flavorous
- flavorsome
- flavoured
- flavourful
- flavourous
- flavoursome
- fruity
- full-bodied
- grapey
- grapy
- luscious
- nectarous
- nutlike
- nutty
- palatable
- piquant
- pleasant-tasting
- pleasing
- pungent
- rich
- robust
- salt
- salty
- sapid
- saporous
- savory
- savoury
- scrumptious
- seasoned
- semisweet
- smoky
- sour
- spicy
- sweet
- tasteful
- tastefully
- tasty
- toothsome
- understated
- unostentatious
- unpretentious
- winey
- winy
- yummy
- zesty
Antonyms for the word tasteful
- in poor taste
- in poor taste(p)
- tasteless
See other words