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Defenition of the word testimonial

    • Defenition of the word testimonial

      • something that recommends (or expresses commendation)
      • of or relating to or constituting testimony
      • expressing admiration or appreciation; "testimonial dinner"
      • something that serves as evidence; "his effort was testimony to his devotion"
      • something given or done as an expression of esteem
      • something that recommends (or expresses commendation) of a person or thing as worthy or desirable
      • something that serves as evidence
      • something that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable
      • expressing admiration or appreciation

    Synonyms for the word testimonial

      • good word
      • memorial
      • recommendation
      • shrine
      • testament
      • testimony
      • tribute

    Similar words in the testimonial

      • testimonial
      • testimonial's
      • testimonials

    Hyponyms for the word testimonial

      • character
      • character reference
      • good authority
      • puff
      • reference
      • testament

    Hypernyms for the word testimonial

      • approval
      • commendation
      • congratulations
      • evidence
      • extolment
      • kudos
      • praise

    See other words