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Defenition of the word tetanus

    • Defenition of the word tetanus

      • A serious and often fatal disease arising through infection of an open wound by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani that is found in soil and the intestines and faeces of animals.
      • an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles are a symptom
      • a sustained muscular contraction resulting from a rapid series of nerve impulses
      • an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages

    Synonyms for the word tetanus

      • lockjaw

    Hypernyms for the word tetanus

      • contraction
      • infection
      • muscle contraction
      • muscular contraction

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