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Defenition of the word tetterwort

    • Defenition of the word tetterwort

      • perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leave and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties; rootstock used as a stimulant and expectorant
      • perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties; rootstock used as a stimulant and expectorant

    Synonyms for the word tetterwort

      • bloodroot
      • puccoon
      • redroot
      • Sanguinaria canadensis

    Meronymys for the word tetterwort

      • genus Sanguinaria
      • Sanguinaria

    Hypernyms for the word tetterwort

      • herb
      • herbaceous plant

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