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Defenition of the word threadbare

    • Defenition of the word threadbare

      • Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
      • Of fabric or clothing: Used so much that the warp threads show.
      • repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"
      • having the nap worn away so that the threads show through; "threadbare rugs"
      • repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails''"
      • repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
      • having the nap worn away so that the threads show through

    Synonyms for the word threadbare

      • banal
      • boring
      • commonplace
      • corny
      • frayed
      • hackneyed
      • ineffective
      • ragged
      • scruffy
      • shabby
      • shopworn
      • stale
      • stock
      • tattered
      • thin
      • timeworn
      • tired
      • trite
      • well-worn
      • worn

    Similar words in the threadbare

      • threadbare
      • unoriginal
      • worn

    See other words