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Defenition of the word titular

    • Defenition of the word titular

      • being such in name only; "the nominal (or titular) head of his party"
      • of or associated with or bearing a title signifying status or function; "titular dignitaries"
      • derived from a title; "performed well in the titular (or title) role"; "the titular theme of the book"
      • of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility; "of titular rank"
      • of or relating to a legal title to something; "titulary rights"
      • existing in name only
      • of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility
      • of or pertaining to the title of a work of art
      • of or bearing a title signifying status or function
      • of or relating to a legal title to something

    Synonyms for the word titular

      • nominal
      • titulary

    Similar words in the titular

      • formal

    See other words