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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "t"
Words starting with letters "tm"
Defenition of the word tmv
Defenition of the word tmv
Defenition of the word tmv
the widely studied plant virus that causes tobacco mosaic; it was the first virus discovered (1892)
Synonyms for the word tmv
tobacco mosaic virus
Hypernyms for the word tmv
plant virus
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The definition of toastrack
The interpretation of the word toasting fork
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The dictionary meaning of the word montia chamissoi
The grammatical meaning of the word toad lily
Meaning of the word linaria vulgaris
Literal and figurative meaning of the word devil's flax
The origin of the word tobacco moth
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Homonyms for the word tobacco pouch
Hyponyms for the word tobacco shop
Holonyms for the word tobacconist shop
Hypernyms for the word tobacco thrips
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Translation of the word in other languages tobagonian
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "v"
Words ending with letters "mv"
Meaning of the word tmv