Defenition of the word trademark
Defenition of the word trademark
- A word or mark that distinctly indicates the ownership of a product or service, and that is legally reserved for the exclusive use of that owner.
- a distinctive characteristic or attribute
- a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product
- register the trademark of
- mark with a brand or trademark
Synonyms for the word trademark
- brand
- brand name
- earmark
- hallmark
- make
- mark
- stylemark
- trade name
Similar words in the trademark
- trademark
- trademark's
- trademarked
- trademarking
- trademarks
Hyponyms for the word trademark
- logo
- logotype
- mold
- mould
- sharpie
Hypernyms for the word trademark
- characteristic
- file
- label
- mark
- marker
- marking
- register
- tag
See other words