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Defenition of the word treasure

    • Defenition of the word treasure

      • A very important or valuable thing or person.
      • be fond of; be attached to
      • something highly prized for its beauty or perfection
      • hold dear; "I prize these old phtographs"
      • a collection of precious things; "the trunk held all her meager treasures"
      • any possession that is highly valued by its owner; "the children returned from the seashore with their shells and other treasures"
      • accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc; "the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies"
      • art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
      • accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.; "the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies"
      • hold dear; "I prize these old photographs"
      • a collection of precious things
      • any possession that is highly valued by its owner
      • accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.
      • hold dear

    Synonyms for the word treasure

      • appreciate
      • care for
      • cherish
      • gem
      • hoarded wealth
      • hold dear
      • prize
      • value

    Hyponyms for the word treasure

      • do justice
      • fortune
      • king's ransom
      • recognise
      • recognize
      • treasure trove
      • trove
      • valuable
      • yearn

    Hypernyms for the word treasure

      • accumulation
      • aggregation
      • art
      • assemblage
      • collection
      • consider
      • fine art
      • love
      • possession
      • reckon
      • regard
      • riches
      • see
      • view
      • wealth

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