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Defenition of the word tufted

    • Defenition of the word tufted

      • (of plants) growing in dense clumps or tufts
      • (of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head; often used in combination; "golden crested"; "crested iris"; "crested oriole"; "tufted duck"; "tufted loosestrife"
      • having or adorned with tufts; "a tufted bedspread"
      • (of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head; often used in combination
      • having or adorned with tufts
      • (of plants) growing in small dense clumps or tufts

    Synonyms for the word tufted

      • caespitose
      • cespitose
      • crested
      • topknotted

    Similar words in the tufted

      • adorned
      • decorated
      • gregarious

    See other words