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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "t"
Words starting with letters "tu"
Words starting with letters "tum"
Words starting with letters "tumb"
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Words starting with letters "tumblin"
Defenition of the word tumbling
Defenition of the word tumbling
Defenition of the word tumbling
the gymnastic moves of an acrobat
moving in surges and billows and rolls; "billowing smoke from burning houses"; "the rolling fog"; "the rolling sea"; "the tumbling water of the rapids"
pitching headlong with a rolling or twisting movement; "a violent tumbling fall"
Synonyms for the word tumbling
Similar words in the tumbling
Meronymys for the word tumbling
acrobatic feat
acrobatic stunt
Hypernyms for the word tumbling
gymanstic exercise
gymnastic exercise
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English dictionary
Words ending with letters "g"
Words ending with letters "ng"
Words ending with letters "ing"
Words ending with letters "ling"
Words ending with letters "bling"
Words ending with letters "mbling"
Words ending with letters "umbling"
Meaning of the word tumbling