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Defenition of the word tuned

    • Defenition of the word tuned

      • so adjusted as to be appropriate or brought into harmony; "an industry not attuned to the demands of the market"; "a remark keyed to the situation"; "charges finely tuned to the amount a student can afford"
      • (music) brought to correct pitch; "his tuned violin"; "the attuned instruments"
      • (music) tuned in equal temperament; or so tuned as to allow modulation into other keys
      • brought to correct pitch; "his tuned violin"; "the attuned instruments"
      • tuned in equal temperament; or so tuned as to allow modulation into other keys

    Synonyms for the word tuned

      • attuned
      • keyed

    Similar words in the tuned

      • adjusted
      • tempered

    See other words