Defenition of the word turbojet
Defenition of the word turbojet
- a turbine drives air to the burner
- airplane powered by a turbojet engine
- jet engine in which a turbine drives air to the burner
- a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust
- an airplane propelled by a fanjet engine
Synonyms for the word turbojet
- turbofan
- turbofan engine
- turbojet engine
- turboprop
Meronymys for the word turbojet
- afterburner
- gas turbine
- propjet
- turbo-propeller plane
- turbofan
- turbofan engine
- turbojet
- turbojet engine
- turboprop
Hypernyms for the word turbojet
- aeroplane
- airplane
- jet
- jet engine
- jet plane
- jet-propelled plane
- plane
See other words