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Defenition of the word Tuscarora

    • Defenition of the word Tuscarora

      • A Northern Iroquoian language spoken by the Tuscarora people in southern Ontario, Canada, and northwestern New York around Niagara Falls, in the United States.
      • the Iroquoian language spoken by the Tuscarora people
      • a member of a Iroquois people who formerly lived in North Carolina and then moved to New York state and joined the Iroquois
      • the Iroquoian language spoken by the Tuscarora
      • a member of an Iroquois people who formerly lived in North Carolina and then moved to New York State and joined the Iroquois

    Synonyms for the word Tuscarora

      • Tuscarora

    Hypernyms for the word Tuscarora

      • Iroquoian
      • Iroquoian language
      • Iroquois

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