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Defenition of the word ulterior

    • Defenition of the word ulterior

      • Lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed).
      • Coming at a subsequent time or stage.
      • Beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote.
      • coming at a subsequent time or stage; "the future president entered college at the age of 16"; "awaiting future actions on the bill"; "later developments"; "without ulterior argument"
      • lying beneath what is revealed or avowed, especially being deliberately concealed; "subterranean motives for murder"; "looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge"- Bertrand Russell
      • beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote; "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion"; "without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior"- G.B.Shaw
      • lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed); "subterranean motives for murder"; "looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge"- Bertrand Russell
      • coming at a subsequent time or stage
      • beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote
      • lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)

    Synonyms for the word ulterior

      • future
      • later
      • subterranean

    Similar words in the ulterior

      • covert
      • distant
      • subsequent

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