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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "u"
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Defenition of the word umbel
Defenition of the word umbel
Defenition of the word umbel
flat-topped or rounded inflorescence characteristic of the family Umbelliferae in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point; youngest flowers are at the center
Hypernyms for the word umbel
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What is ulva
The definition of ulugh muz tagh
The interpretation of the word ulugh muztagh
What is meant by ultraviolet spectrum
The lexical meaning ultraviolet source
The dictionary meaning of the word ultraviolet lamp
The grammatical meaning of the word uv
Meaning of the word ultraviolet illumination
Literal and figurative meaning of the word ultraviolet light
The origin of the word umbellales
Synonym for the word order umbellales
Antonyms for the word umbellate
Homonyms for the word umbellar
Hyponyms for the word umbellifer
Holonyms for the word umbelliferous plant
Hypernyms for the word umbelliferae
Proverbs and sayings for the word family umbelliferae
Translation of the word in other languages apiaceae
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "l"
Words ending with letters "el"
Words ending with letters "bel"
Words ending with letters "mbel"
Meaning of the word umbel