Regarded by a religious rule as being, temporarily or permanently, very dirty or in a similar condition, and, as such, banned from the sacred places as well as, if a thing or an animal, from major uses such as being eaten or, if a person, from major activities, such as sexual intercourse or social life among non such people.
soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"
(religion) ritually unclean or impure; "and the unclean to you"-Leviticus 11:3
soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dir
ritually unclean or impure; "and the unclean to you"-Leviticus 11:3
soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime
having a physical or moral blemish so as to make impure according to dietary or ceremonial laws