Defenition of the word uncritical
Defenition of the word uncritical
- not critical; not tending to find or call attention to errors; "a devoted and almost uncritical admirer"
- lacking in discrimination; "she was absolutely uncritical, she believed everything"
- marked by disregard for critical standards or procedures; "news sources reflected uncritical estimates of the number of juvenile addicts"
- not critical; not tending to find or call attention to errors
- marked by disregard for critical standards or procedures
Synonyms for the word uncritical
- gullible
- innocent
- naive
- noncritical
- trusting
- unsuspecting
Similar words in the uncritical
- indiscriminating
- uncritical
- undiscriminating
- unscholarly
Antonyms for the word uncritical
See other words