Defenition of the word unevenness
Defenition of the word unevenness
- the quality of being unbalanced
- a quality of variability and lack of uniformity
- the quality of being uneven and lacking uniformity
Synonyms for the word unevenness
- bumpiness
- disparity
- disproportion
- inconsistency
- inequality
- irregularity
- jaggedness
- one-sidedness
- patchiness
- roughness
- unfairness
- variability
Similar words in the unevenness
Hyponyms for the word unevenness
- jaggedness
- patchiness
- personal equation
- rockiness
- ruggedness
- waviness
Hypernyms for the word unevenness
- inequality
- irregularity
- unregularity
Antonyms for the word unevenness
See other words