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Defenition of the word unfreeze

    • Defenition of the word unfreeze

      • To become soft or liquefied by heat.
      • cause to thaw and become soft or liquid again; "The sub melted the ice"
      • make available, as of assets; or free for sale or publication
      • make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator''s bank account"
      • become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"
      • make (assets) available
      • become or cause to become soft or liquid

    Synonyms for the word unfreeze

      • free
      • melt
      • release
      • thaw
      • unblock
      • unthaw

    Hyponyms for the word unfreeze

      • de-ice
      • defrost
      • deice
      • deliquesce

    Hypernyms for the word unfreeze

      • flux
      • issue
      • liquefy
      • liquify
      • supply

    Antonyms for the word unfreeze

      • block
      • freeze
      • immobilise
      • immobilize

    See other words