Defenition of the word unsubdivided
Defenition of the word unsubdivided
- (biology) especially of leaf shapes; having no divisions or subdivisions
- (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
Synonyms for the word unsubdivided
Similar words in the unsubdivided
- acerate
- acerose
- acicular
- acuminate
- apiculate
- arrow-shaped
- bladelike
- caudate
- cordate
- cordiform
- cuneate
- deltoid
- dolabrate
- dolabriform
- elliptic
- elongate
- ensiform
- fiddle-shaped
- hastate
- heart-shaped
- kidney-shaped
- lancelike
- lanceolate
- linear
- lyrate
- needle-shaped
- oblanceolate
- oblong
- obovate
- obtuse
- orbicular
- orbiculate
- ovate
- pandurate
- panduriform
- peltate
- perfoliate
- reniform
- sagittate
- sagittiform
- shield-shaped
- simple
- smooth
- spatula-shaped
- spatulate
- spearhead-shaped
- sword-shaped
- swordlike
- unlobed
- wedge-shaped
Antonyms for the word unsubdivided
See other words