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Defenition of the word unsyllabic

    • Defenition of the word unsyllabic

      • not forming a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable; (of a consonant sound) accompanied in the same syllable by a vowel sound as the `n' in `botany' when pronounced `bot-ny'; (of a vowel sound) dominated by other vowel sounds in a syllable; i.e. being the second vowel in a falling diphthong as the `i' in `oi'
      • not forming a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable; consisting of a consonant sound accompanied in the same syllable by a vowel sound or consisting of a vowel sound dominated by other vowel sounds in a syllable (as the second vowel in a falling diphthong
      • not forming a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable; consisting of a consonant sound accompanied in the same syllable by a vowel sound or consisting of a vowel sound dominated by other vowel sounds in a syllable (as the second vowel in a falling diphthong)

    Synonyms for the word unsyllabic

      • nonsyllabic

    Similar words in the unsyllabic

      • unsyllabled

    Antonyms for the word unsyllabic

      • syllabic

    See other words