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Defenition of the word unwieldiness

    • Defenition of the word unwieldiness

      • trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape: "the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano"
      • trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape; "the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano"
      • trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape
      • the quality of being difficult to direct or control by reason of complexity

    Synonyms for the word unwieldiness

      • awkwardness
      • bulkiness
      • cumbersomeness
      • ungainliness

    Similar words in the unwieldiness

      • unwieldiness
      • unwieldiness's

    Hypernyms for the word unwieldiness

      • inconvenience
      • troublesomeness
      • worriment

    See other words