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Defenition of the word urban vagrant

    • Defenition of the word urban vagrant

      • A person of the lower end of the lower class of the type to be found at or around the Neumarkt ("new market") in Cologne, having a specifically obscene and offensive way to express oneself. Someone bumming about in the city not having an acceptable or decent place to stay or for living or housing.
      • A female person of the lower end of the lower class of the type to be found at or around the Neumarkt ("new market") in Cologne, having a specifically obscene and offensive way to express herself. A female bumming about in the city not having an acceptable or decent place to stay or for living or housing.
      • A male person of the lower end of the lower class of the type to be found at or around the Neumarkt ("new market") in Cologne; one having a specifically obscene and offensive way to express himself. A male bumming about in the city not having an acceptable or decent place to stay or for living or housing.

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