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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "u"
Words starting with letters "ur"
Words starting with letters "urt"
Words starting with letters "urti"
Words starting with letters "urtic"
Words starting with letters "urtica"
Words starting with letters "urticat"
Words starting with letters "urticati"
Words starting with letters "urticatio"
Defenition of the word urtication
Defenition of the word urtication
Defenition of the word urtication
an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs
a sensation of having been stung by nettles
Synonyms for the word urtication
nettle rash
Hypernyms for the word urtication
cutaneous sensation
haptic sensation
hypersensitivity reaction
skin eruption
skin rash
skin sensation
See other words
What is ursine
The definition of family ursidae
The interpretation of the word ursidae
What is meant by genus urosaurus
The lexical meaning urosaurus
The dictionary meaning of the word uropygium
The grammatical meaning of the word preen gland
Meaning of the word uropygial gland
Literal and figurative meaning of the word genus uropsilus
The origin of the word nettle rash
Synonym for the word urubupunga
Antonyms for the word urubupunga falls
Homonyms for the word uruguayan monetary unit
Hyponyms for the word uruguay potato
Holonyms for the word uruguay potato vine
Hypernyms for the word solanum commersonii
Proverbs and sayings for the word utilisation
Translation of the word in other languages wont to
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "n"
Words ending with letters "on"
Words ending with letters "ion"
Words ending with letters "tion"
Words ending with letters "ation"
Words ending with letters "cation"
Words ending with letters "ication"
Words ending with letters "tication"
Words ending with letters "rtication"
Meaning of the word urtication