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Defenition of the word uttermost

    • Defenition of the word uttermost

      • of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity; "extreme cold"; "extreme caution"; "extreme pleasure"; "utmost contempt"; "to the utmost degree"; "in the uttermost distress"
      • comparatives of "far"; most remote in space or time or order; "had traveled to the farthest frontier"; "don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree"; "explored the furthest reaches of space"; "the utmost tip of the peninsula"
      • the greatestest possible degree; "he tried his utmost"
      • the greatest possible degree; "he tried his utmost"
      • (comparatives of `far'') most remote in space or time or order; "had traveled to the farthest frontier"; "don''t go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree"; "explored the furthest reaches of space"; "the utmost tip of the peninsula"
      • the greatest possible degree
      • (comparatives of `far') most remote in space or time or order
      • of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity

    Synonyms for the word uttermost

      • extreme
      • farthermost
      • farthest
      • farthest away
      • furthermost
      • furthest
      • furthest away
      • level best
      • maximum
      • outermost
      • utmost

    Similar words in the uttermost

      • far
      • intense
      • uttermost

    Hypernyms for the word uttermost

      • bound
      • boundary
      • bounds
      • limit

    See other words