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Defenition of the word vapor bath

    • Defenition of the word vapor bath

      • a room that can be filled with steam in which people bathe; `vapour_bath' is a British term
      • you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower
      • a room that can be filled with steam in which people bathe; `vapour bath'' is a British term
      • a room that can be filled with steam in which people bathe; `vapour bath' is a British term

    Synonyms for the word vapor bath

      • steam bath
      • steam room
      • Turkish bath
      • vapour bath

    Hyponyms for the word vapor bath

      • sauna
      • sweat room
      • Turkish bath

    Hypernyms for the word vapor bath

      • ablution
      • bathing
      • room
      • washup

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