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Defenition of the word vat color

    • Defenition of the word vat color

      • a dye that is applied by reducing the dye to a base-soluble form, applying the dye, then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material
      • a dye that is applied by reducing the dye to a base-soluble form, applying the dye, then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material; used for dyeing cotton
      • a water-insoluble dye that is applied by reducing the dye to an alkaline form, applying the dye, then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material; used for dyeing cotton

    Synonyms for the word vat color

      • vat dye

    Hypernyms for the word vat color

      • dye
      • dyestuff

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