Defenition of the word vibrant
Defenition of the word vibrant
- vigorous and active; "a vibrant group that challenged the system"; "a charming and vivacious hostess"; "a vivacious folk dance"
- of colors that are bright and striking
- of sounds that are strong and resonating
- vigorous and animated
Synonyms for the word vibrant
- alive
- animated
- bright
- brilliant
- bubbly
- colorful
- day-glow
- dazzling
- effervescent
- energetic
- exciting
- flamboyant
- garish
- glowing
- lively
- luminous
- lurid
- pulsating
- vital
- vivacious
- vivid
Similar words in the vibrant
- spirited
- vibrant
- vibrantly
See other words