Defenition of the word visual disorder
Defenition of the word visual disorder
- impairment of the sense of sight
Hyponyms for the word visual disorder
- amaurosis
- amblyopia
- ametropia
- aniseikonia
- anorthopia
- aphakia
- blindness
- cecity
- color blindness
- color vision deficiency
- colour blindness
- colour vision deficiency
- day blindness
- detached retina
- detachment of the retina
- diplopia
- double vision
- hemeralopia
- hemianopia
- hemianopsia
- metamorphopsia
- moon blindness
- night blindness
- nyctalopia
- photoretinitis
- quadrantanopia
- retinal detachment
- scotoma
- sightlessness
- tunnel vision
- xanthopsia
Hypernyms for the word visual disorder
- disability
- disablement
- handicap
- impairment
See other words