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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "v"
Words starting with letters "vi"
Words starting with letters "vit"
Words starting with letters "vita"
Words starting with letters "vitam"
Words starting with letters "vitami"
Defenition of the word vitamin
Defenition of the word vitamin
Defenition of the word vitamin
An organic compound present in variable, minute quantities in natural foodstuffs and essential for the normal processes of growth and maintenance of the body.
any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism
Synonyms for the word vitamin
Hyponyms for the word vitamin
fat-soluble vitamin
water-soluble vitamin
Hypernyms for the word vitamin
See other words
What is virulence
The definition of virtual reality
The interpretation of the word virtual machine
What is meant by virgin fiber
The lexical meaning viremia
The dictionary meaning of the word viral vaccine
The grammatical meaning of the word viral upper respiratory tract infection
Meaning of the word viral disease
Literal and figurative meaning of the word viraemia
The origin of the word vitamin A
Synonym for the word vitamin B-12
Antonyms for the word vitamin B1
Homonyms for the word vitamin B12
Hyponyms for the word vitamin B2
Holonyms for the word vitamin B3
Hypernyms for the word vitamin B5
Proverbs and sayings for the word vitamin C
Translation of the word in other languages vitamin D
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "n"
Words ending with letters "in"
Words ending with letters "min"
Words ending with letters "amin"
Words ending with letters "tamin"
Words ending with letters "itamin"
Meaning of the word vitamin