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Defenition of the word volt

    • Defenition of the word volt

      • The derived SI unit of electrical potential and voltage with symbol "V"; the potential difference across a conductor when a current of one ampere uses one watt of power.
      • a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 watt; equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 ampere of current flows through it
      • a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 watt; equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 a

    Synonyms for the word volt

      • V
      • volte

    Meronymys for the word volt

      • abvolt
      • kilovolt
      • kV
      • millivolt
      • mV

    Hypernyms for the word volt

      • potential unit

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