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Defenition of the word war of the spanish succession

    • Defenition of the word war of the spanish succession

      • a general war in Europe (1701-1714) that broke out when Louis XIV of France installed his grandson Philip on the throne of Spain; England and Holland hoped to limit Louis' power
      • a general war in Europe (1701-1714) that broke out when Louis XIV installed his grandson on the throne of Spain; England and Holland hoped to limit Louis'' power
      • a general war in Europe (1701-1714) that broke out when Louis XIV installed his grandson on the throne of Spain; England and Holland hoped to limit Louis' power

    Synonyms for the word war of the spanish succession

      • War of the Spanish Succession

    Meronymys for the word war of the spanish succession

      • Blenheim

    Hypernyms for the word war of the spanish succession

      • war
      • warfare

    See other words