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Defenition of the word washingtonian

    • Defenition of the word washingtonian

      • of or relating to or in the state of Washington
      • of or relating to the capital of the United States; "Washingtonian museums"
      • of or relating to the people who run the federal government; "Washingtonian politics as usual"
      • of or relating to on in the manner of George Washington
      • a resident of the state of Washington
      • a resident of the city of Washington
      • of or relating to or in the manner of George Washington
      • a native or resident of the state of Washington
      • a native or resident of the city of Washington
      • of or relating to the capital of the United States
      • of or relating to the people who run the federal government

    Synonyms for the word washingtonian

      • Washingtonian

    Hypernyms for the word washingtonian

      • American

    See other words